Childcare Fees & Tuition
Our tuition is based on costs for education materials and art supplies, keeping our teacher ratio low, licensing needs, and facility upkeep and improvements. Tuition also includes breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack each day. We are affiliated with the Texas Department of Agriculture Federal Food Program.
School Operating Hours
6:30 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday
Registration and Application FeesOne time registration fee per family of $50One time application fee required per child of $150 is charged when an enrollment spot is offeredMonthly tuition is due on the first of each month and considered late on the third day of the month. Late payments will incur a late fee of $10 each day late. Payments more than five days late may affect your child’s enrollment.
A supply fee of $190 per child is due September 1st of each year
See director for complete details